Chapter 1
There were seagulls squawking in the air when I caught sight of the lovely petite woman I would later know as Dee. She wore all black, not uncommon most days but the veil over her face didn't flutter one iota when a gale wind swept off of the sea while the preacher pronounced the couple getting married husband and husband.
Uncommon to wear funeral wear to a wedding.
Very intriguing to a man such as myself.
Later I caught her trolling the couple once I sussed out her name and connection to the wedding. I myself was a distant cousin of the groom and only attended because I had been in the area. She had not been part of the wedding, only wandered up on the beach already attired like a widow in mourning.
She is beautifully broken and a murderess.
I introduced myself at my cousins funeral a month later when grabbing her by the neck and sticking her with my favorite drug cocktail which allowed enough time for transportation and to sit her down prettily in an outdated dining room. Dee had not noticed I had been following her for three weeks knowing she murdered my cousin.
I wasn't sad. The man had been an asshole and a waste of space as far as I am concerned. She didn't seem to have a vendetta against cousin Ben, so this is what I want to discuss. Why him? Why does she dress so beautifully dark in days filled with sunshine?
Dee opens her brilliant blue eyes but does not move. I had not tied her to the wooden chair at the head of the table. There was no need. I didn't bring her here to harm her.
She doesn't know that though.
"Who are you?" She gasps, sitting straight and proud.
"No one, like you. Why did you cut the brake line on Ben's car?"
"Should I pretend I don't know what you mean? No? You took me from a funeral so... are you a relative? Yes... you are."
There is no fear in her eyes when she looks at me. She doesn't know I am the boogeyman. If I am the bad man under your bed, she is the grim reaper. I cross my legs, waiting.
Dee's eyes momentarily flicker with uncertainty then, the nostrils on her pert little nose flare, "You've been following me! I knew I wasn't imagining it."
I nod.
She slides to the edge of the chair, "What do you want? Money?"
I shake my head.
Dee licks her plump pink lips and looks down at the black lace and satin dress which fit her slim figure perfectly, "You asked why I cut his brake line. I'll tell you, but you have to let me go."
I raise my hands to convey compliance.
"He cheated on his new husband. Can you call it cheating when it was obviously an affair? Why did he think it was okay to play with hearts like that?" Her voice drops at the end as if she really wants the answer.
It didn't seem a good reason to go out of one's way to plot murder. Lots of people lied and cheated. Who cared if Ben banged ten different people after marriage? Dee did. Dee cared Ben fucked around on his husband.
"I want to go now," she stands slowly, eyeing me with wide blue eyes, wondering if I will stop her but I don't move, "You're going to let me leave? What if I come back and kill you?"
I'd be surprised if she didn't ask these questions and stand with my hands up, towering over her small frame. She's stiff and ready for flight or fight, but I wave towards the kitchen area where I have the back door open. There is a small alleyway leading to Pike Street which is busy this time of day.
"What do you want?" her voice strained with clear confusion and panic, "I can really leave?" She pauses and when I do not move or respond her bravery and cunning make a fantastic show, "You're as fucked up as the rest! You take me and instead of seeking justice ask one question and don't even take me somewhere I don't think you live? Just wait asshole, I never forget a face and one day I'll be coming for you."
I become hard the longer she speaks.
The longer she taunts me, the more I want to bend her over the table and lift her cute gothic dress and see if her panties are as black as her soul. I think she notices when without another word she bolts through to the kitchen and bangs the screen door on the way out.
I wait a few seconds before pulling a cell phone from my pants and after tapping in the code for the lock screen, open the only app on the device. Dee might be a skillful huntress but she does not know between her small shoulder blades is a tracking device just under the skin.
Such soft, smooth, porcelain skin I want to see run red...
Shaking my head to disperse thoughts of Dee, seeing she is gaining ground away from the house, I lock up and drive away from the place I avoided for over a decade.
Dee somehow found the tracker and after twenty-four hours of knowing her every move forced to follow by car or foot until she slipped and fell into a mess she couldn't clean up. Well, not when it is me making the mess.
She hunts down men like others sniff out the best burger joints. Fat wallets fall over themselves for this dainty woman and she lures them away with barely a raise of one sassy brow. It's no wonder I'm intrigued to the point of insomnia when she takes three different men into the countryside and slays them inside a quaint little two-room cottage over the space of two weeks.
I walk the property many times while she is occupied or asleep. She doesn't live here. No, this is her web. Peeking through the plastic lined windows hoping to catch glimpses of the show there is a foggy barrier between me and Dee. I hear the screams until even in my dreams comes a line of tortured men shaking their head at the fact I refused to help end their suffering.
I need her.
I want her so bad I set my plan in motion, digging up Mr. Sanders, who is three days ripe but still recognizable and after I spray a good amount of aftershave on the corpse place him in the trunk of my car for a rendezvous with you know who.
Dee loves to read in an upscale neighborhood park where couples stroll through rose gardens and kids fly kites on a manicured field and old people bring bread to feed the ducks in an expansive pond. At first, I was reluctant to bring my toy to such an innocent place, but knew she would play with me.
Mr. Sanders hat and coat hide his identity and Dee doesn't mind sharing a bench, even offering a tentative smile before sitting on the right. Today she wears gray pants with a black silk blouse, looking like a magazine add with her glossy raven hair pinned up. She opens a book, then gives another furtive gaze, and I bite my lip, looking through binoculars hoping the smell of bleach and aftershave weren't giving up the game already. No, Dee was maybe evaluating whether he was worth sinking her fangs into. I breathed out a laugh when she spoke, frowning at the non-response.
The stiff on the left side of the bench sits still as Dee sat reading. An hour. I watch for an hour until she stands, placing the book inside of her bag and it's when she sees his face. My breathing hitches and I hold back a moan as the mix of abject confusion and anger flit across her perfect features and she sways on her feet. There is no horrified indignation or cries for help.
This pretty black widow spins on her heels and surveys the area. She knows someone is watching and I place my spy glasses in my satchel and casually walk the half mile to where she is still standing like a guard dog over scraps she isn't finished with.
Her pink lips quirk up while blue eyes shine with promise wrath. "You."
I point at my chest shrugging.
She clenches her tiny hands, "Speak dammit! This is not a game."
Smirking, I haul Mr. Sanders up from the bench, "From now on I bury your kill. Let's go."
Blinking rapidly she nods, hurrying to my car where I place Mr. Sanders in the back seat. I take hold of her thin neck, pressing until she's trapped against the closed door. Feeling the steady pulse beneath my fingers turns me on knowing she isn't afraid.
"Don't do that again!" She hisses in my face, "I nearly fainted and then what would you have done?"
"Hmm," I nuzzle my nose along her smooth cheek, smiling when she shivers, "I want to see you faint. To scream and break."
She chokes on a reply but it doesn't matter because I press my lips to hers and its heaven. Worth the dangerous game we are playing. She reaches up like she wants to hit me but I'm already walking to the drivers' side.
"Get in Dee," I snap, "Now."
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" She clutches raven hair in one hand, the other fumbling inside her bag, "I know where you live asshole. Drive off and leave me alone."
I open the door saying, "You know nothing, baby. You look beautiful today and it'd be a shame to ruin that silk blouse."
She pulls a cell phone and I know what she will do, so I smile with arrogance and slide into the car after she curses. Pictures of me don't come out well. They never have.
"W-what do you mean to ruin my shirt?" Dee opens the door and I snatch the phone, tossing it into the back seat with the smelly dead man.
"I was going to run your stubborn ass over if you didn't come willingly." I honestly tell her.
"You wouldn't! There's a dead body in here!" She flinches when I lean over and buckle her in.
Smirking I start the car, "There's nothing I wouldn't do, Dee."
"Obviously," she glares and then pouts, "Where are you taking me?"
"Mr. Sanders has had enough excitement for one day, don't you think? I'm taking you home then will dispose of the body properly. Burying bodies in your property is fucking stupid."
"You've been watching!" She gasps and I glance over to see her flushed expression, "Will you tell me your name at least? I'm trusting you with my life."
"No? You can't tell me no!"
I love her fire and glad her apartment is close to the park because I'm not sure how much longer I can keep myself from hurting this woman. "Get out. I'll contact you soon."
She stares at me as if I have two heads, "Who the hell are you? Should I flee the country?"
"I'll find you if you do," I wave at the door, "Get the fuck out."
"What about my phone!" She opens the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk in front of her building, not even amazed I know where she lives. "You are crazy! Leave me alone!"
"Hey, Dee?"
"What?!" She snarls through the open window.
"The next time you see me, we will have it out. It's going to be bloody and I will take you hard while you bleed. Don't worry baby, you'll want it."
She backs away from the car speechless and I drive away knowing she'll be ready because she needs me as much as I do her.
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