Cody smiled at Astrid when she came out of the bedroom wearing boxers and a shirt. Calder frowned at his brothers' obvious leering when Astrid wasn't watching but let it go knowing he was a terrible flirt.
"Astrid, it's good to see you," Cody winked, "Nice shirt."
She laughed, "Well, I need to go home for my own clothes but your brother insists I stay in bed. What can I do but agree?"
Cody grinned at Calder after Astrid moved on to the kitchen. Calder shrugged happily, remembering how she had professed her love earlier.
"She's hot," Cody hissed, "You really like her, huh?"
"Yup," he motioned Cody towards the office, "I really do. Come on."
Cody sank into the plush brown armchair beside Calder's desk, "So, I read Remy's file. He's a fucking whack job. Are you sure you like Astrid enough to get between them?"
Calder frowned darkly, "She's better than that asshole deserves and he won't ever hurt her again. He beats her. You have no idea the number of bruises he's left on her body. There are bite marks on her back."
Cody saddened, nodding, "She's a sweet girl, but she must like it to keep going back. Don't discount her actions, Calder. Don't be blind."
"You're one to talk!" Calder shot back, sitting behind the desk so he wouldn't hit his brother, "You only pursue women you won't get hurt by or attached too. You don't fool me, bro."
Cody rolled his eyes, "You're the youngest and try to act the eldest."
"No one acts like Chris," Calder snickered, "He's been forty since twelve."
"Yeah, but it's helped him in life. I ran into Julia on the way in and she had an odd look. She seems secretive these days."
"How would you know? You hardly see her. Oh, are you looking out for Chris's attractive wife like you did in high school?"
Cody frowned, "She may be hot with tits I'd like to stick my cock between, but I'd never go there. She's hit on my dick more than once."
He admitted with a similar tone of tiredness, "Yeah, me too. Only last week she offered to clean my pipes."
"She actually said that?" Cody laughed, "I'm reminded of a bad porno suddenly! You're lying!"
"She did! I politely told her Chris is way over do for that stick to be pulled out of his ass if she ever got in the mood and she responded maybe it was because of the stick he's able to walk around in the first place."
Cody laughed for a full minute, slapping his knee, "That's great! They are complete opposites. Julia is a whore, but today she seemed upset. I wonder if she'll leave Chris one day?"
"I'm through talking about Chris. I need Astrid to look at that report."
"Are you sure? It may freak her out. Shit, it freaked me out. The guy should be locked up. The last girl he was serious about, ended up raped and beaten to death at the lake we used to go to."
"The police had witnesses to his whereabouts," Calder agreed, "but I have the same feeling that Remy killed them. The profile of the two women he dated is eerily similar to Astrid. He picked her because he likes introverted women."
"Astrid was quiet at work but confident," Cody sat forward.
"She appears that way. Remy found Astrid when she was alone, desperate for love and affection she says she's never had in life. He may have held off on sex for months because he was fearful of his own desires. The abandoned suit his needs. He needs the rush."
"Such as? You sound like you've given this a lot of thought."
"Remy works in a fetish underground, punishing women sexually as a dominant. He makes house calls apparently. Maybe he can't hold back in his own sex life, well, he proved it with Astrid. He likes self-conscious, attractive bookkeepers who never had a family or love."
"He didn't either, raised in an orphanage since birth. Astrid was ripe for the picking, huh?"
"She was until I messed up his plans. He may love her, but it's a controlling type of affection. Remy let her go once, he won't do it again. I feel it."
"Go to the police then!"
"No," Calder stood, "She has to deal with this her way. She doesn't fear Remy outside of the bedroom. We're in love." he smiled brightly in a manner Cody rarely saw, "I may marry Astrid one day."
"Dad will never allow that," Cody avoided Calders' glare, "but I like her. She's great. Okay, I need to go. Work is waiting when you can tear your dick away."
Calder smacked his brothers arm, "You're just jealous. Astrid is too much for a guy like me, let alone you."
Cody's eyes widened, but he laughed, "Wow, now I am jealous."
Astrid sat on the sofa watching TV. Cody waved bye and let himself out. The envelope laid on the coffee table. She hadn't touched it.
Calder sighed, resting on his knees between her legs, "Sorry."
"For what?"
"Cody's a flirt who'd steal you if he could."
"Ah," she parted her legs for his viewing pleasure, "He can't. No one ever will."
His desire for Astrid flared. She drove him towards it every time she gave into the sultry confidant lover inside. He wanted her to read Remy's report though.
"Look, you have to read that," he pointed to the envelope, "Now."
"I'll wait," she tried to kiss him, but he pulled away, "Calder, I'm not ready, okay?"
He saw fear in her eyes, "Okay. I'll back off and let you do it when you're ready."
Astrid gripped his arm anxiously, "I can't deal with it all at once. I-I'm still trying to recover from his tricks."
Calder was curious but didn't push the subject. She needed to tell someone what Remy had done and hopefully would confide in him. She was breathing hard but forced a smile, fragile when trying to show strength.
"I love you," he winked, "What's on TV?"
Astrid didn't want to watch TV, pressing to make love again. She was a fiery woman who never seemed to tire of sex. Normally, he liked that. Astrid had been used by men and Calder wondered if it was a way of escaping reality instead of talking. It was something he'd have to work on.
In the meantime, they moved back to the bedroom where they escaped reality together for the remainder of the night.
* The next day *
Remy walked through the back entrance of the Armor. The nights were becoming warmer, further irritating his sour mood. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead moving down the long black painted hallway, thankfully it had central air and absently muttered a hello to Ted, the bouncer, who ignored him, glued to a phone.
He went to the first door on the left, which led to a staircase deeper into the underground of the establishment. The first floor was for the soft patrons who liked a little slap and tickle while the hard-core shit went on underneath their feet.
The dimly lit stairwell was empty, which he was thankful for. Usually, one or two pain sluts stationed themselves there hoping for a master to take them in hand. Remy constantly fought them off, afraid of catching an STD even though the girls were supposed to be clean.
He opened the heavy door at the bottom of the stairwell, blinking hard when loud techno music and flashing strobe lights assaulted his senses. The room looked full capacity for once and hoped Teena was in a good mood.
Arlo stood on a small stage, tying a busty blonde to a spanking bench while demeaning her in front of a small crowd. There were three stages and an assortment furniture to play on and with. He noted on the center stage a female stood beautifully posed in a Shibari scene with her partner whispering in her ear. Remy's heart sped up when she fixed her brown eyes on him, wishing he could experience something similar with Astrid one day.
"Remy!" A sub called, "Hi! You look great. Want to play with me? I have a brand new set of nipple clamps."
He shoved the pretty, petite girl out of the way, sending her onto the small dance floor. She yelled something angrily, but he ignored it, continuing towards the office in the back. He hated coming to the club, glad he rarely had to anymore. The place was a reminder of the darkness that seethed beneath his placid outer appearance.
Remy was like the men who sat around a table he passed, poking needles into the flesh of a woman. Needle play was rare, but not unobserved in the darkness of the Armor. He long ago stopped feeling ashamed of his enjoyment at causing pain to others. The fear, lust, and trust in the girl's eyes when he caused them to bleed or break was addicting.
Remy knocked on Teena's office door. Jake, her slave, opened the door sporting black eyes and only a collar. Teena sat behind the desk, obscured by files. He almost laughed when her head popped up above the pile of paperwork.
"Fuck!" she shouted, "Jake you fucking idiot, close the door. Didn't I tell you not to let anyone in? Get your ass over here."
Jake grinned, dropping onto his hands and knees crawling to his mistress. Remy impatiently sat in a leather recliner next to a stretching rack while Jake took his punishment.
Teena was a red-headed bitch who stood five feet without her wicked stilettos. She was a beautiful bitch though, with a killer body along with angels face. Too bad she'd made a deal with the devil. Teena proceeded to kick Jake in the rear with her pointy boot then huffed, coming over to Remy.
He met her frown with an arrogant smirk.
When she continued to stare, he let his eyes peruse her black dress which he didn't think passed as one since her tits hung out for all to admire, hooked through the cut-out design in front. Her torso was squeezed by the corset she always wore making her hourglass figure stand out like her red hair.
"Nice outfit," he drawled, "Design it yourself?"
Teena smiled, looking like a red-headed devil child, "Of course, I design all my outfits. Jake!" she snapped, and the slave scurried over on his knees, "Get Remy a drink. I'll have a beer."
Jake hustled out as Teena placed one red acrylic to her pouty lips thoughtfully. Remy stared back, body relaxed, legs spread wide. Teena did not intimidate him any more than he did her. Their respect for one other had long ago been established through a mutual passion for their job.
"What brings you here?" she finally asked, "Arlo told me your little wench left... again."
Remy sat forward scowling, "Arlo shouldn't talk about things that don't concern him, or you."
Teena stuck out her lower lip, leaning forward so her breast brushed his legs, "She broke your heart, right? It's been broken before. Let her go."
Remy took Teena's face between his palms, "I can't. She was different. She IS different. Astrid would be with me if not for Calder Lewis."
Teena licked his lips since they were so close, "He's a lawyer. Don't get crazy Remy. You're my best Dom. All the women call saying, give me the best and you're it, baby. The clients I have set up for you will make her face fade like a bad memory."
Remy pulled Teena, still gripping her face until she straddled his lap. Teena kissed with passionate sloppiness, moaning when he bit her lower lip.
"She won't fade away," Remy pushed her face away, but allowed her to unzip his pants, "Astrid needs me. When I take care of Calder, she'll be dying to take me back."
"Oh, you wish," Teena breathlessly chuckled, pulling out his hard cock, "When you take care of him, she'll run like hell. Don't be dumb. Just find someone else. Keep focused on work."
Remy was used to Teena talking when they fucked. It was her thing. Teena ran a fetish establishment, but her style was quick, without pain and filled with inane chatter. Her focus was sex, work, and money. The many drugs she peddled on the side kept the whores in line and money flowing. Her sexual appetite was one reason he avoided the Armor as much as possible.
After Teena slipped him inside of her tight wet heat, he smiled at the lusty groan she emitted, "Hold my tits."
He obeyed, pinching her pink nipples playfully. The chair was perfect for fucking as she rode him until he squeezed harder, making her grin. Teena picked up the pace so he'd have to hold her tighter, losing himself in the moment.
"Does she fuck good?" Teena gasped, "Does she like it rough or do you force her to like it that way?"
"Both," he muttered truthfully, pinching her hard nipples until she squealed, "Astrid wants to pretend she doesn't want me. She wants exactly what I fucking give her! What no one else can!" Suddenly Remy found himself infuriated, realizing Teena was right about Astrid running away from him forever, "You know what I have to do."
"Yes!" Teena shouted, tightening around his cock, "Do It! Oh fuck, just do it! I'm going to come all over your cock, baby!"
Remy watched Teena's body quiver in an orgasm after he grabbed her throat and squeezed. "Astrid will not play with me like the others. She's just like me! Astrid will come back and I'll show her what pain really is! What I do to whores like her. I'll purify our love."
He spoke nonsense, choking the woman. Teena spasmed in euphoric bliss until he came, spurting deep and hard into her tight little body. Jake entered the office, and Remy let her go. Jake was used to such things and stood by quietly. She kissed Remy passionately again until he shoved her off, reaching over to the desk for a wet wipe to clean up.
"Okay," Teena straightened her clothes, "I'll clear you one week. Whatever you do, bring her here once. I must meet the girl who's going to kill you."
Remy gave a dark look, "What's that supposed to mean? You want me to be as lonely and spiteful as you?"
Teena snorted, sitting behind the desk, "Is that what you think I am? Oh well, I've been called worse. I think this girl will finish you instead of the other way around. You are way too invested. I saw it coming and so did Arlo, bless his dark heart. You will lose everything because of this girl. Perhaps you should fuck them both because the girl obviously can't decide. "
"Astrid is the best person I know," he spat, "She will get me out of here and we'll start a life without our past holding us back."
Teena openly laughed in his face, "You are such a dreamer. That's what I love about you, baby. The past makes us who we are and you cannot change another heart by will alone. The girl doesn't want nor love you. I'm serious, it's better if you focus your energy elsewhere. She'll never accept you and if you can't get Calder on your side, you're finished."
Remy left Teena's mocking face and voice behind without responding.
The floor show was wilder than before. Arlo now stood on the center stage playing with a knife, gingerly running it across a gagged woman's bare ass and the crowd had let loose inhibitions, rutting like wild animals. Pungent smells of blood and sex tainted the air while cries of pain and pleasure sang above the music. The women he shoved aside hurrying for the exit were quickly snatched up by zealous club members.
When he stumbled outside, inhaled the warm air like a welcomed friend when earlier he'd cursed it. He stalked to the car, determined to not let Teena's ominous words deter what needed to be done. Astrid would be his again.
Calder had no idea the lengths he would go to, and he'd gladly end the man if it meant having Astrid in his arms again.
Remy loved Astrid more than himself and needed to prove it somehow.
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